Were the colonists just a bunch of farmers fighting against the British?
This is not true, the Patriots were well organized and well supplied. Many of these Patriots who fought were experienced, they had fought in the Indian and French campaigns and were well educated in battle tactics, lots of people think that these patriots were forced to be part of the revolution but a lot of these people were from the army.
Was Paul Revere the only one at the midnight ride?
Did you know that two other men accompanied Paul Revere on his famous midnight ride? If you didn't, then you're not alone. William Dawes and Samuel Prescott went along with Paul Revere on his famous midnight ride, they were both left out in many textbooks. The three men were spotted by British men and were forced to split up, William Dawes was captured by the British and Samuel Prescott died giving most of the glory and fame to Paul Revere.
Was the war a American-versus-British war exclusively?
Many of the battles fought during the War of Independence involved colonists fighting on both sides; it was not an American-versus-British affair exclusively. As many as 100,000 people left America after the war to Canada because of the British ruling over Canada and many liked the older country of Canada then the new free country of America.