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World War II - Trivia

Updated: Oct 20, 2020

  1. Who were the allies that defended Poland? Select all that apply

    1. Britain

    2. Russia

    3. France

    4. Japan

  1. Why did Hitler invade Poland

    1. He hated the Polish

    2. He wanted to annex the land

    3. He wanted to steal the money

    4. He wanted to be friends

  1. Why did the US enter WW2?

    1. They wanted revenge for the American Revolution.

    2. Germany/Japan sank their boats

    3. Germany was cussing at the US

    4. Britain bribed them

  1. When did Germany invade Russia?

    1. June 22, 1941

    2. July 22, 1941

    3. August 23, 1941

    4. February 27, 1940

  1. Why did Japan bomb Pearl Harbor?

    1. They didn’t want the US to join the war

    2. They wanted to get rid of the US Navy

    3. They wanted to take over the US

    4. They wanted to sink Hawaii

  1. Where was the only bomb that was dropped on the Continental US?

    1. Minnesota

    2. Oregon

    3. Nevada

    4. Washington State

  1. What happened to Benito Mussolini after he was arrested in 1945?

    1. He was rescued by German Paratroopers

    2. He was drowned

    3. He was held captive for a ransom by Italian partisans

    4. He was shot by a firing squad

  1. How hard was it for the German to capture Paris?

    1. Immensely hard. Took 90 days of warfare and bombing

    2. Not very hard. It took 4 days


    4. The French chickened out and left Paris because they didn’t want any damage to the city

  1. Who was the leader of the French Resistance?

    1. Charles De Gaulle

    2. Jean Moulin

    3. Simon Segouin

    4. Marc Bloch

  1. Why were the Germans so successful in the beginning?

    1. They had superiority in every aspect of war. They overpowered the allies

    2. The allies unexpectedly forgot to fight them, and just didn’t expect them to make a move

    3. The Germans got lucky. The allies made 90% of all the mistakes possible

    4. They moved with crazy speed and surprised the allies through the Ardennes

  1. What does Blitzkrieg mean in English?

    1. Blinding Light

    2. Firestorm

    3. Massive Troops

    4. Lightning Warfare

  1. What does the BEF stand for?

    1. Berlin Ecological Foundation

    2. British Expeditionary Force

    3. Bullet Enforcing Fingers

    4. Belgian Economical Federation

  1. What was the main British aircraft used for dogfights?

    1. Blackburn B.20

    2. Supermarine Spitfire

    3. Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress

    4. Boulton Paul Defiant

  1. What was the codename for the project to build the Atomic Bomb?

    1. Chicago 413

    2. The Squash Court Project

    3. The Manhattan Project

    4. The Enigma Project

  1. What was the German air force called?

    1. The wafflebot

    2. The Luftwaffe

    3. The Luftwaffe

    4. The Flugzeugkraft

  1. Why was transporting weapons and supplies within the allies so hard?

    1. They had to cross the Atlantic

    2. The Germans politely asked them to stop

    3. German rudely stopped them with submarines called U-boats

    4. The German used atomic bombs in mass quantity

  1. Who defeated General Rommel in Africa?

    1. General MacArthur

    2. General Eisenhower

    3. General Montgomery

    4. General Patton

  1. Who cracked the German Enigma code, making life 10 times easier for the Allies?

    1. Eisenhower

    2. Albert Einstein

    3. Alan Turing

    4. Odette Sansom

  1. What special language did the US use to send code?

    1. Hawaiian

    2. Cherokee

    3. Navajo

    4. Polynesian

  1. Where did the US drop the A-bombs?

    1. Niigata and Hiroshima

    2. Nagasaki and Kagoshima

    3. Nagasaki and Hiroshima

    4. Niigata and Kagoshima

  1. What is Knickebein?

    1. An all-powerful aircraft

    2. A German Panzer troop

    3. Postal system

    4. Revolutionary navigation system

  1. What happened to Berlin after the USSR started advancing from the east, and the other Allies from the west?

    1. Germany surrendered, so nothing happened

    2. Somehow, the Allies managed to assassinate Hitler

    3. Hitler suicided, and then Germany was completely taken over

    4. For whatever reason, the Allies stopped attacking



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